Friday, January 2, 2009


So, it's a new year and a brand new chance to make the same old mistakes- or not. Personally, I'd like to see this year become the year that the rock and roll came home.
Right or wrong, the U.S. has a brand new president, the corporate world has seen the effects of short-sighted investor-driven greed and hopefully, the alternative energy market will blossom in the face of upcoming gas taxes.
I think this will be a year of polarization between American car buffs and the new imports, though Mahindra's truck (2009/2010, they're not sure) may have some help from their Jeep and tractor ties.

The pic is an embedded link (not copied) directly to Mahindra & Mahindra's website, click to see the whole thing.

If Obama keeps going after Pakistan*, friendly relations with India, Mahindra's native land, might not be such a terrible thing. Though it would show surprising... strategery.
The threat of China and Wal-Mart has been so overblown that we're not paying attention to Russia's newly instated federal breeding holiday††, a definite sign that they're gearing up for something.
At least N. Korea is vowing nuclear arms reduction, but time will tell. It's been noted that N. Korean editorials refrain from criticizing Obama†.

The entertainment industry may peak and reach a point of recreation or die, Youtube and mp3raid are the new cassette and radio, we just have to capitalize on it.
Apple stores are such a hit that Mac won't even be attending the Macworld Expo after this Jan 6-2009 event. [] I guess 3.5 million a week are as much of an audience as they want... tsch, lightweights.
Microsoft isn't having any help from their own camp either, the overwhelming motto from help sites seems to be, 'friends, don't let friends Vista.' Don Reisinger of Cnet, predicts March or April for a Windows 7 announcement.**

In short, much calamity, "wars and rumors of wars" may dominate the commerce-driven news but let us not forget to mind our own business and have a Happy New Year.





This is my opinion and only my opinion, it's a blog. All rights reserved. Seriously, ask.

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