Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I think that it's time that we owned up to our part in this pile of mess:

-Confusing capitalism with consumerism, then flirting with communism.

-Buying volume products rather than "heirloom."

-Getting stuck with grid electricity and oil.
The Model T was made to run on homemade ethanol, the original diesel
motor (patented by Mr. Diesel) was biodiesel, it ran on vegetable oil... also to be made at home. We used to be self-sufficient.

-Living on credit. Period.

-Knowing that what we eat is junk, but doing it anyway.

-Sending kids to a stupid school, where stupid politicians run stupid curriculums so
that kids that they've made stupid- won't fail.

-Arguing and voting along party lines for any reason, seriously, grow up and get your own opinion.

-Butting in to anything anywhere without getting our own stuff straight first. That applies to moral dictation, political finger-pointing etc.

-Blaming everything on everyone else.

It's a mess that we all made, not the Taliban, not the Mexicans, the welfare queens, not American pigs or Euro-trash, the gay people, the religious right, the black people, white people, rich people, Chinese or Russians; not even the tax-raising, pork-barreling, buttinski law-making, weaselly politicians.

We f*cked up.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What is the RDA of ant poison?

I learned a new word yesterday. Azodicarbonamide*.
Let's start from the beginning and sound it out, Azo-di-carbon-amide.

Azocarbonamide is banned in the UK and Australia, in Singapore you can get 15 years in prison and a fine of $450,000†. EU classification: harmful.

According to, "Generally azodicarbonamide is prepared in industry by condensation of hydrazine sulfate with urea under high temperature and pressure. This reaction results in hydrazoformamide which is oxidized with sodium hypochlorite and centrifuged to yield a slurry containing end product. The slurry is washed to remove impurities and dried to obtain the azodicarbonamide powder." Urea** is food now?

Azodicarbonimide is a foaming agent used in plastic blow-molding and according to†, "Flour treatment and bleaching agent in baked goods, breads, rice, chewing gum, flour, grains. The US FDA require further testing. Banned in Australia. Avoid it." (I added spaces to most of the quotes, so it's not a strictly verbatim.) From the website, "Reacts with hot water to give nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and ammonia." Thanks to its nitrogen-ammonia pedigree, it's used as a component in explosives•••.

Some recognizable names are Panera bagels, Wal-Mart Bakery (where my brother spotted it and got me interested) breads and Subway sandwiches. The last one irritates the heck out of me, I love Subway. Ironically, I also found it listed in the ingredients for Nature's Own, 100% Whole Wheat (bread).

It brings on asthma if ingested or inhaled. It's one of the few things that can kill the AIDs virus, if used correctly††, if not, it could kill you. The safety warnings tell workers not to inhale it, get it in their eyes or touch it with their skin, if they do, they're supposed to wash vigorously.

Some other favorites from the list are:
Shellac, used as a glazing agent, chocolate, confectionary, in "orange fizzy drinks," orange skin(s), medications... Derived from the (East) Indian Lac insect. "Vegans generally avoid the product as there are still lice in the raw product..." In the first cleaning process, after the second, I suppose it's reduced to "trace protein."

Montanic acidesters - A wax obtained by solvent extraction of lignite (brown coal), used as a coating for citrus fruits. So discard that orange peel or lemon rind, don't use it for flavoring. Irony of timing, I was eating an orange last night when my Dad started reading this list.

Cystein monohydrochloride and L-cysteine hydrochloridemonohydrate are flour treatment agents derived from animal hair, chicken feathers, and if from China, human hair. A known neurotoxin.

Potassium bromate - "Large quantities can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, kidney damage and failure. The WHO in 1993 said that this ingredient is no longer acceptable for use as it is a possible carcinogen. Typically used in flour products."

Aspartame - "an artificial sweetener found in most diet soft drinks, diet foods, etc. originally developed as ant poison. 92 known side effects including migraine headaches, allergy and brain tumors."

Sacchrine - An artificial sweetener derived from toluene (a known carcinogen). You've heard of its cousin, tri-nitro-toluene or TNT. Interferes with normal blood coagulation (scabbing over), blood sugar levels and digestive function. Was once banned in the US in 1977 but is now back with a warning label. Banned in France, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Malaysia, Zimbabwe, Fiji, Israel, Peru and Taiwan, depending on the usage. Upon reading this, my Dad informed me that toluene is classically the harmful/solvent/narcotic ingredient in modeling glue.

Sucralose aka trichlorogalactosucrose - You'll find it branded under the name, "Splenda." "In animal test before being accepted in Australia, they showed detrimental effects to the thalamus glands, liver and kidney enlargement, and renal mineralisation."

Renal mineralization (U.S.A. spelling), otherwise known as kidney stones. I think I'll just use honey.

Triethylacetate or citrate - Commercially produced from citric acid. Used in whipping cream, as a thickener, vegetable gum for flavoring and sports drinks and in (packaged) egg white liquid or dried. "Part becomes alcohol in the body."

The rather important list goes on and covers a variety of chemical additives found in processed foods.
Maybe it's time we scrutinized food additives with the same careful lens that herbs are receiving. I mean, how many of these everyday additives have "adverse effects" (see: bullets, snakebites and high voltage power lines) when used alone, much less when combined with common medications? Do these additives cause the rash of allergies (esp. wheat) that we've been seeing?





The fact that this stuff (Azodicarbonamide) has its own explosives profile should tell you something.

One gram of azodicarbonamide being decomposed releases about 230 mL of gaseous products.

The famous 599 ingredients found in cigarettes.

The quotes are for review purposes only but the opinion? Get your own. Read the information in context for yourself. It's important to be an educated consumer and know what you're eating. It's those little compromises that'll come back us in ways we never expected.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Machine.

The fuel cell craze seems to have run out of air sooner than the Y2K scare. GM went from leading an oddball charge into the unknown to carping for handouts. So what are the average citizens of the world doing to help?

This guy created a wicked little HHO (hydrogen+oxygen) torch, then he applied it to his car, which now gets great mileage.

This company retrofits diesel trucks to run on propane, getting an average of 40-60 mpg and running more smoothly than OEM.

This Japanese company makes a strictly HHO car that promises fantastic numbers.

Here's another one, in Japanese.

Here's a feisty lil Camaro in Bahrain.

Okay, it doesn't have anything to do with the others but it's pretty cool.

This is a more environmentally responsible machining tool from KMT, a 90,000 PSI Waterjet that's outshining plasma lasers and it's made in America. My brother helped to design it.

Friday, January 2, 2009


So, it's a new year and a brand new chance to make the same old mistakes- or not. Personally, I'd like to see this year become the year that the rock and roll came home.
Right or wrong, the U.S. has a brand new president, the corporate world has seen the effects of short-sighted investor-driven greed and hopefully, the alternative energy market will blossom in the face of upcoming gas taxes.
I think this will be a year of polarization between American car buffs and the new imports, though Mahindra's truck (2009/2010, they're not sure) may have some help from their Jeep and tractor ties.

The pic is an embedded link (not copied) directly to Mahindra & Mahindra's website, click to see the whole thing.

If Obama keeps going after Pakistan*, friendly relations with India, Mahindra's native land, might not be such a terrible thing. Though it would show surprising... strategery.
The threat of China and Wal-Mart has been so overblown that we're not paying attention to Russia's newly instated federal breeding holiday††, a definite sign that they're gearing up for something.
At least N. Korea is vowing nuclear arms reduction, but time will tell. It's been noted that N. Korean editorials refrain from criticizing Obama†.

The entertainment industry may peak and reach a point of recreation or die, Youtube and mp3raid are the new cassette and radio, we just have to capitalize on it.
Apple stores are such a hit that Mac won't even be attending the Macworld Expo after this Jan 6-2009 event. [] I guess 3.5 million a week are as much of an audience as they want... tsch, lightweights.
Microsoft isn't having any help from their own camp either, the overwhelming motto from help sites seems to be, 'friends, don't let friends Vista.' Don Reisinger of Cnet, predicts March or April for a Windows 7 announcement.**

In short, much calamity, "wars and rumors of wars" may dominate the commerce-driven news but let us not forget to mind our own business and have a Happy New Year.





This is my opinion and only my opinion, it's a blog. All rights reserved. Seriously, ask.