Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I think that it's time that we owned up to our part in this pile of mess:

-Confusing capitalism with consumerism, then flirting with communism.

-Buying volume products rather than "heirloom."

-Getting stuck with grid electricity and oil.
The Model T was made to run on homemade ethanol, the original diesel
motor (patented by Mr. Diesel) was biodiesel, it ran on vegetable oil... also to be made at home. We used to be self-sufficient.

-Living on credit. Period.

-Knowing that what we eat is junk, but doing it anyway.

-Sending kids to a stupid school, where stupid politicians run stupid curriculums so
that kids that they've made stupid- won't fail.

-Arguing and voting along party lines for any reason, seriously, grow up and get your own opinion.

-Butting in to anything anywhere without getting our own stuff straight first. That applies to moral dictation, political finger-pointing etc.

-Blaming everything on everyone else.

It's a mess that we all made, not the Taliban, not the Mexicans, the welfare queens, not American pigs or Euro-trash, the gay people, the religious right, the black people, white people, rich people, Chinese or Russians; not even the tax-raising, pork-barreling, buttinski law-making, weaselly politicians.

We f*cked up.